Sorry, long time no blog and I must thank our loyal readers for their patience. Algonquin Outfitters had an extremely busy summer, which is good for business but doesn't leave much time for blogging.
Here are a few pictures featuring some notable groups and happenings at our Oxtongue Lake store since May (at least those I have pictures of!):
Our new outfitter, Jen McFarlane, takes two European travel operators
for their first canoe ride in a three-seat Swift Quetico.
Local high school teacher Marty Scarlett helps launch a kayak made by his students, while the CTV reporter gets right into Bracebridge Bay to get the shot! (For the full story on this great fundraiser, go to this link and scroll down to Operation Kayaks)
No roof? No problem! Two kayaks securely tied into a PT Cruiser convertible.
Pastor Tom Corbett and the gang from Pearce Memorial Church in upstate New York, ready to go on their annual Algonquin Park canoe trip.
If you have a roof on your car, there are many options for tying down canoes!
Empty canoe racks on the August holiday weekend. Reservations are highly recommended!
Campers from the Machal program at Camp Stone ready to paddle, even though they are still on the bus! Machal is a Hebrew acronym that stands for Machane Chalutzi, or pioneering camp.
The Sidell family after their 12th annual father/twin sons canoe trip. Slogan on Dad's shirt: "I'm the boss."
Glen Weber and friends ready to hit the road in the ultimate canoe tripping van, complete with Captain's chairs.
Kevin Birch of Salisbury University and our own Wendy Swift. Wendy is holding a plaque presented by Kevin, commemorating SU's 25th annual Algonquin Canoe program for new students. Check out the new "Salisbury Wall" in our outfitting room.
The "Kohn Expeditionary Force" poses after their 25th annual canoe trip.
This group of men met when they were campers and staff at Camp Tamakwa and have been going on canoe trips ever since. Every now and then a son comes along or a new member is recruited but the core group remains.